Persian Thesaurus Digital Download


picture of the book Farhang - Teyfi





Farsi Synonyms and Related Words



کتاب فرهنگ طیفی

Persian Thesaurus

(تزاروس فارسی)


کتاب فرهنگ طیفی به‌چاپ رسید.

Persian Thesaurus in Print.


Hardback version of Persian Thesaurus is out.



کتاب فرهنگ طیفی؛  مؤلف: جمشید فراروی؛ 

FARAROOY, Jamshyd; Farhang-e Teyfi;

تهران: انتشارات هرمس، 1387؛ 

Hermes Publishers, Tehran, 2009;

تعداد صفحات: 747 صفحه + مقدمه در بیست و چهار صفحه؛

pp 747

شابک 978-964-363-499-5؛

ISBN 978-964-363-499-5



شامل لغات و اصطلاحات مترادف، متضاد، مرتبط و متداعی فارسی به فارسی

A thesaurus of Persian (Farsi) words and phrases based on Roget's model of English Thesaurus.

طبقه‌بندی طیف واژگان فارسی


picture of book cover


NEW: OCTOBER 2018: Second Edition is being prepared for print. Please contact Hermes for date of printing. Meanwhile the 3rd print (of the first edition) is out and can be purchased from Hermes or from here (search for keyword "teyfi" in the online book store)

Please send me an email to the address at the bottom of the page so that I can inform you when new updates are released.
Also please donate if you find the book useful. Write to me to send you a Paypal request.


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And a new YouTube video about the book (September 2018)

contact email: teyfi "AT SIGN"

This page is © First published 2014 Last updated 2018 first published 1995